Arithmetic Geometry in Shenzhen (Dec. 2024)
Time: Dec. 16 (Monday)--Dec. 20 (Friday), 2024.
(Starts on Dec. 16 (Monday) morning; ends Dec. 20 (Friday) noon).
Place: SUSTech, Shenzhen
Organizers: Hui Gao (SUSTech), Shizhang Li (MCM), Ruochuan Liu (PKU), Tong Liu (Purdue), Daxin Xu (MCM)
Conference Handbook in pdf
Schedule, Abstract, Hotel, Transportation, all in one.
Poster: Low resolution version
Poster: designed by Yuetong Li (student at SUSTech).
Background photo credit: 小红书博主《边南LEVART》; with permission to use (for non-commercial purposes).
Click this link here for high resolution (16MB) PNG file.
Conf photos:
A conf dinner in Athens was kindly organized by Stavros.
Conference photobook in pdf
Archived info, click to expand
Funding :
Hotel: We should be able to book hotel and cover the costs for all participants.
Travel: For non-speakers, we in general do NOT cover travel costs.
(unless you have strong reason, and we happen to have funding available).
We apologize in advance if we could not accommodate everyone due to limitation of resources.
Registration Link disabled.
We have sent email on Nov. 11 to everyone who has registered.
• If you travel from outside of China (regardless of your nationality), September 8, 2024.
• If you travel from inside China (regardless of your nationality), Nov 11, 2024. 05:00am.
• Speakers, SUSTech faculty/students do not need to register.